OA is self-supporting, declining outside contributions. Your 7th Tradition contributions keep all levels of Overeaters Anonymous functioning to support the recovery of all of us, and we are grateful for that support.
As of 1/1/2025, World Service has updated their guidelines for group contributions. The new guidelines recommend that, after retaining a prudent reserve, 50% is sent to Greater Pittsburgh Intergroup (down from the previous 60%), 40% to World Service (up from 30%), and 10% to Region 7. Each group is autonomous, and is free to divide up group contributions to Intergroup, Region 7 and World Service in whatever way the group conscience decides.
If your group does not know how to establish a prudent reserve, please see the response to question #10 on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for OA Group, Intergroup and Service Board Treasurers.

image courtesy of geralt via Pixabay
Cash flow is critical to keeping OA functioning properly, and we recommend that treasurers of larger meetings process 7th Tradition contributions quarterly in order to maintain that cash flow. Smaller meetings might hold a group conscience to determine the frequency of 7th Tradition processing, balancing OA's cash flow needs with processing efficiency for the meeting.
(was 60%)
Electronic Contributions Instruction Form (PDF)*.
GPI Contribution Form (PDF)*
(was 30%)
WSO Contributions Form
* Please note that GPI no longer sends out individual confirmations when groups send in contributions.
Group contribution details are available each month in the Financial Statement, which is posted prior to each GPI meeting at http://www.gpioa.org/service.htm#agenda. If you don't see a donation made by your group, please contact the GPI Treasurer.